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At our college, student activities are more than just extracurriculars—they’re catalysts for innovation and leadership. From hackathons to entrepreneurial workshops, these events empower students to explore their passions beyond the classroom. Engaging in diverse activities fosters a dynamic learning environment, encouraging collaboration and problem-solving. The hands-on experiences provided through these initiatives cultivate critical thinking and creativity.

Our Activities

National Service Scheme (NSS)

The college is highly privileged for getting its first NSS wing to be approved by the University of Madras during the first year of Incubation itself. The motto is “Not me but You”. Our NSS unit, contributes enormously by the students actively participating in special literacy campus, adult education programs and health campus held in nearby places. The students are provided with full fledged training by our staff for student’s development & appreciation to other person’s point of view and also show consideration towards other living beings. Involvement in various social service activities that enable students to be aware of their social rights and responsibilities and to become responsible human begins

  • Program Officer : Dr. R.N.Kalpana Devi
  • Staff Coordinator : Ms. M.Prabhavathi

Red Ribbon Club (RRC)

Red Ribbon Club of the college will serve in educating the youth and other members in the wider community on health related issues. It develops the life skills for students involved, and instilling a spirit of compassion towards people living with HIV/AIDS in our country. The Goal is to reduce the occurrence and also to address the measures to eradicate the same.

  • Program Officer : Dr.Thulasi Kavitha Yadav
  • Staff Coordinator : Ms.P.Selvi

Eco Club

The club helps in initiating the students in gaining knowledge about the environment and to perform necessary steps to improve the campus environment. The club involves itself in helping the students solve local environmental problems .The members educate others about the environment. They try to create environmental awareness, to fight against the environmental degradation and to keep the environment clean and green.

  • Staff Coordinator : Dr.B.Rajalakshmy, Ms.S.Ponmani, Ms.R.Susila

Entrepreneurship Development Cell (ED Cell)

Entrepreneurial Development Cell searches the innovative and enterprising ideas through its regular plans exhibited in the club. The club provides a platform for students to get the professional training from our experienced mentors to showcase their ideas. The aim is to provide skill training facilities and to form self –help groups.

  • Staff Coordinator : Ms.M Mahalakshmi, Mr.Z.Mohammed Yahiya, Dr.S Meenakshi, Ms. R.Sapna, Ms.V.Karpagavalli

Fine Arts Club

Fine arts club provides an opportunity to the students to let their imagination take a higher step and provides them with the arena to see things in a different way. Students learn from one another and share their prowess in different aspects of art.

  • Staff Coordinator : Ms.G.Abhinaya, Ms.S.Ponmani, Dr.Sumithra Devi, Ms.C.Christy Josephine, Mr.K.Prabakaran

Women’s Forum

Women Student Forum focuses on educating, influencing and empowering women to break the barriers. Efforts are made to share the common problems and help them narrow down their difficulties. The forum tries to integrate diversity and inclusiveness as indispensible ways for sustainable and progressive development.

  • Staff Coordinator : Ms.B.Gajalakshmi, Ms.AR.Mallika, Ms .G.Abhinaya, Dr.Sumithra Devi

Avichi Mentorship

Avichi Mentorship Program was started on 13th July 2019 with a motive to provide overall guidance, support and encouragement to the students by developing their additional skill set, enhance their communication, and inculcate leadership qualities and also by providing opportunities like internship for them which will help them to fast track their career growth in a competitive environment.

Avichi Mentorship Program Process

Avichi Mentors are carefully selected under the guidance of our Secretary and the Principal’s valuable guidance representing various fields and different walks of life from within and outside our country. They are fully committed towards mentoring the students, easily approachable, positive in nature, constructive and supportive by reviewing and recommending valuable
suggestions to the students for their future.

Staff Coordinator : Prof. S. Selvi

Mentor/Mentees register for mentoring

      • Avichi college team will select the mentees and match with suitable mentor
      • Mentor and Mentees introduction will take part
      • Whatsapp group will be created for each mentor along with their mentees
      • Evaluation will be done to ensure the program is beneficial to the students.

The Honourable Mentors

Mr. Narayanan Ramkumar
Qualified Finance Professional and an entrepreneur with more than 35 years of exposure in Finance and IT in the Middle East Region.
Overall coordinator for our Avichi Mentor Program

      1. Mr. V S Ganesan
        Partner – DISA Auditing Firm Qualified Finance Professional CA, CWA Practicing Chartered Accountant for more than 3 decades. from Chennai.
      2. Mrs. Nandini Nagaraj
        Principal, Professor and leading education counsellor for more than 3 decades. from Bangaloe.
      3. Mr. Desikan Jagannathan
        EVP – ADCB, Dubai, UAE Successful career banker having experience in large banks across Asia.
      4. Mr. Srinivasan Arunachalam
        CEO JMR Infotech Qualified Finance Professional with expertise in software and having global experience with a successful track record. from Asia-Pacific.
      5. Mr. K. Parthasarathy
        Deputy District Manager, Dharmapuri, NABARD
      6. Mr. Moahan Venkatesan
        Vice-President Strategy & Special Projects Sundaram BNP Paribas Home Finance Limited Sundaram Finance from Chennai.
      7. Mrs. Cauvery Madhavan
        Well known writer and also writes for the Irish Times and Wrote for the Evening Herald and Travel Extra. Author for the books Paddy Indian, The Uncoupling and The Tained from London.
      8. Mr. R. Srivatsan
        Additional Assistant Director National Academy of Customs Indirect Taxes & Narcotics. Govt. of India. Chennai Region.

Youth Empowerment & Skills workshop (YES+)

Specifically students and young professionals-oriented, powerful life-skill program designed to accelerate personal all-round excellence. It is a smooth blend of ancient wisdom, yoga, pranayama (breath control), meditation and the Sudarshan Kriya, fused with contemporary intellectual exchanges. The YES!+ workshop ensures an energy boost that will give your life a kick where it is most needed. YES+ is conducted across various premier institutions across the globe.

  • Staff Coordinator : Dr.Abdulla, Ms.AR.Mallika


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